2005 Four Winns H250 with original trailer. No noticeable towing problems but saw the left rear trailer wheel seemed forward in the wheel well and upon inspection I found that the rear leafsprings hanger was broken. The shackles are pushed maximally forward with the equalizer tilted all the way. see the photos please. (hopefully the link works). there is an excellent trailer shop but it is 13 miles by highway and much more if tried to take back roads.
The boat and trailer are sitting in my driveway. should I try to limp this in? are there any precautions I even could take? Anyone have a similar experience?
https://www.amazon.com/photos/album/A3G84PROYZG3XM:hg6RFLrIRKeNUUrWjq8TSwhttps://www.amazon.com/photos/album/A3G ... UUrWjq8TSw