Thank you very much.
Yes, indeed "Zündreihenfolge" means firing order.
The old beetle is one of the best german classic cars. It runs and runs and runs.... (Translated it is an legendary old Volkswagen advertising tv spot).
The new beetle is an modified golf with a rounded body. I'll prefer the old air-cooled rear engine version. This is almost like a Porsche

Unfortnately here in Germany you can find only a few models in a good condition.
Many of them were eaten up by rust. The climate is simply too moist.
The few good ones you can find are very expensive.
I'm convinced, that you can find more good conditioned models in the US, where you have a drier climate.
My brother has a 1983 Bully T3 in a very good condition, bought from the firefighters of a small village.
It has nearly the same basis like the good old beetle.
Two weeks ago I bought two do-it-yourself manuals for the OMC engines and z-drives

Since I bought this manuals, everyday I learn more and more englisch technical terms.
There are no translated manuals in germany. You can find only two englisch ones in our bookstores and on
Now I've the seloc and the clymer manual. I think they differ only a little from each other, but they were the last two ones which were offered on So I bought them.
At the beginnig the imperial system

was confusing me. Furthermore it is difficult to find affordable "inch" tools.
Now I understand it.