
Gauge Replacement
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Author:  Oldav8tor [ Sat Sep 30, 2017 9:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Gauge Replacement

The Voltmeter and stern drive position indicator on my 1987 Sundowner don't work. I opened up the panel and checked the gauges, wiring and such and am pretty sure its the gauges themselves. I suspect I will need to build a new sub-panel for those gauges - may consider replacing all seven. Has anybody done this? Alternatively, does anybody have a clue where I might find the original Medallion Instruments Inc. gauges that sit behind the plastic panel?


Author:  Surface Interval [ Sat Sep 30, 2017 10:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gauge Replacement

Welcome to the site. Its good to see others with a history of slipping the surly bonds of terra firma for the wild blue yonder. 8) :wink:

I would look at the trim sensor before doing much with the trim gage. The trim sensors are notorious for going bad because they are in water much of the time. Also do a search on this site for troubleshooting gages. Good luck.

Author:  LouC [ Sun Oct 01, 2017 9:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gauge Replacement

Agreed, and check the terminals on the back of the gauges. I have the medallion ones in mine but they are the analog style. They all still work believe it or not.
With the trim sender, I have a Cobra and the oe ones used to last about a season and a half. About 7 years ago I put in a Sierra one because the OE was not available any longer and wonder of wonders it still works. There is a potentiometer inside that probably gets corroded. Check the wiring first. They can be a bear to replace because the wiring on the Cobra and Volvo SX at least, goes in through an inaccessible part of the transom mount. I found a work around for this thanks to my OMC mechanic years ago.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/7ugdxo8n6dfab ... d.jpg?dl=0

Don't know if this will work on a Merc but for sure it will on a Volvo SX because Volvo just adapted OMC's transom design when they came out with the SX.

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