Just picked up a new to me 2001 Horizon 200 with the VP 5.0 GLPEFS from its original owner in CT. The boat needed a lot of love as most everything was past due for maintenance, and general care had been lacking the past few years. I finally got it back in the water and am running it through the paces. The biggest problem I am having is locating any info for a missing Mode dash switch, it seems to control switching between time, hours, depth, and possibly other functions… The previous owner had it removed to get a replacement then lost the switch. Can anyone help with a part number/ manufacture for this switch. The wiring connections would be helpful as well as there are 6+ wires behind the location but I am guessing all were not used. I would have included a couple pictures of my dash but am un sure how…, am hopeful this switch is common on a number of models from the early 2000 era Four Winns. It would be nice to know the hours on the engine and depth I am operating in… I am new to the forum, and enjoying/ learning a lot from reading everyone’s post… Great info. I appreciate any help the group can offer pointing me in the right direction for this one!