Well I went ahead and did a temp fix since I was planning on going out (of course monsoon season here in the desert ended that plan rather quickly) When I say temp I mean I had no idea what size the rivet was to order stainless. So I had to drill out the old and find the right size in the aluminum ones I had.
It's 3/16 for future reference.
The hardest part was drilling out the old stainless one, it's very hard metal. But the whole project was really done in less than a few minutes.
I used the marinepartdepot lanyards
http://store.marinepartdepot.com/cable.html for $1.98 (had to cut the metal plate off)
in the end it looks great and will probably last quite a while.
Chris and Alicia
Las Vegas, NV
1996 Four Winns 238 Vista Dlx 5.8Fi