The C80 as is from the factory uses just a depth transducer via the NEMA connection. The issue with that transducer is that the shallow depth alarm will not function. You need to upgrade to a DSM with an updated transducer to get full functionality. I installed a DSM300 with a B117 transducer when I upgraded several years ago.
Be aware that Raymarine had/has an issue with aging DSM modules primarily made in Mexico. Thanks to a tip from Firecadet, they replaced mine as well as his due to this manufacturing problem. I also needed to upgrade the power to the DSM and added an isolation relay to shut down the DSM when it is not needed. It draws quite a bit of current. I am still having an issue from time to time and will be replacing my transducer before I launch this year.
You may want to check to see if your C80 has the latest firmware just to make sure you are up to date.
Hope this helps.
Jnizi2007 Vista 338 "Better Yet"
2007 Vista 258 " Just Right"
2005 Horizon 230